
Alhamdulillah, a major milestone achieved!

At the same time the pandemic made clear the realities of the burial space issues and the poor burial standards our community has tolerated for too long. Whilst it was great to see a revival in the community spirit towards improving our existing end of life services and provisions, we still have a long journey ahead to achieve our vision of a dignified, Islamic and affordable outcome across the board.

This new research is a major milestone for our community. It enables the current burial spaces at Eternal Gardens to be extended to support more members of our community.

We are indebted to our esteemed Ulama:

who committed hours upon hours of research, attending meetings with our grounds experts and conducted site visits to explore and trial various approaches resulting in a final Shariah compliant, dignified, and practical burial methodology.

At all levels whether it be individuals, families or as a community, we really need to begin approaching end of life through a different lens. Through the lens of funeral planning, we can greatly improve and facilitate enhancements to our current funeral processes. By planning ahead, we reduce the burden on our loved ones as well as on our local burial provisions.

Planning ahead allows for existing provisions to forecast future space and begin preparations in a timely manner for newer burial spaces.

Advanced planning and preparations facilitate the higher standard funeral service and care that our loved ones truly deserve when passing on.

We praise Allah for this opportunity and seek his forgiveness for our shortcomings. We ask him to reward all those who contributed to this unique project.

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